Social Enterprises’ Sustainability Tools

The social economy is a growing reality in the EU; however, social enterprises’ sustainability and scalability is an ongoing challenge. The EMPOWER project aims at fostering sustainability and scalability of new and existing social enterprises and supporting young entrepreneurs through the development of new learning partnerships between the world of work and the world of youth provision.

The gap in educational resources, methods and tools for young entrepreneurs and social enterprises are addressed to meet the need for a transformational change towards the new circular economy in Europe.




Target Audience
  • Young entrepreneurs
  • Youth workers
  • Young social enterprises owners
  • Development of a training package for sustainability in social enterprises comprising a compendium of mini-learning format resources augmented by a series of masterclass sessions designed for face-to-face and online deliver to support youth workers serving young entrepreneurs.
  • Creation of a social enterprise simulation game to support the development of the required competences to formally incorporate sustainability tools and methods to strengthen and scale up social enterprises.
  • Elaboration of a policy paper for building a sustainable social enterprise sector with practice recommendations and an open area for collaboration opportunities.
  • Mindshift Talent Advisory – Portugal
  • Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Association – Bulgaria (coordinator)
  • Centre for Advancement of Research and Development In Technology – Cyprus
  • Future In Perspective – Ireland
  • Kentro Merimnas Oikogeneias kai Paidiou – Greece
  • Sweden Emilia Romagna Network – Italy
  • Innovade – Cyprus

01.01.2022 – 31.12.2023


ERASMUS+, Strategic partnership for development of innovation
