
Developing competences and opportunities for social media entrepreneurship

Nowadays, social media has become pervasive in empowering young Europeans in their educational, academic and professional life, and Generation Z is the first generation to innately understand the true power of social media.

The Gen-Z project has as its strategic focus to join efforts for empowering this generation to become social media entrepreneurs and at the same time developing their key competences and employability.

Target Audience
  • Youngsters
  • Trainers and teachers
  • Mentors
  • Social media entrepreneurs
  • Identification of social media entrepreneurs’ profiles through the production of infographics and videos
  • Creation of a training curriculum for future youth social media entrepreneurs on topics such: practicing social media entrepreneurship; mastering the major social media platforms; planning my social media business; mastering tools to creating social media viral contents; building my social media influencer marketing and advertising strategy; starting, monetizing and managing my business training
  • Development of blended in-service training for empowering trainers, teachers and mentors to support the implementation of the training curriculum on social media business
  • Creation of the Gen-Z hub to make available all learning contents and boost social media entrepreneurship
  • Promotion of a virtual community of future social media entrepreneurs and organise final events for the dissemination of the project outputs
  • Mindshift Talent Advisory – Portugal
  • West Lothian College – United Kingdom (coordinator)
  • Institute of Entrepreneurship Development – Greece
  • Instituto para el Fomento del Desarollo y la Formacion – Spain
  • Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology – Cyprus
  • Evolve Global Solutions – United Kingdom
  • Stowarzyszenie Centrum Wspierania Edukacji i Przedsiebiorczosci – Poland
  • The Rural Hub – Ireland

01.09.2019 – 31.08.2021


ERASMUS+, Strategic partnership for development of innovation
