Using agile, interactive learning environments to promote work-based learning in cVET

The European Skills Agenda considers transversal skills as a key to thrive in the labour market. Following this trend, the INTERFACE project focuses on supporting Vocational Education Training (VET) teachers and trainers through a comprehensive educational intervention. The aim is to create a compendium of interactive learning resources for the development of essential transversal skills, having in mind low-skilled workers and trainees, to foster efficient work-based learning and continuous professional development.

In this way, INTERFACE has the potential to promote inclusion and social cohesion in the workplace, decrease unemployment and underemployment, and contribute to public and private policies that stimulate innovation, competitiveness, and growth.

Target Audience
  • Low-skilled workers and trainees
  • VET teachers
  • In-company trainers and tutors
  • Develop a comprehensive training programme for VET teachers, tutors, and in-company trainers to improve their digital pedagogical knowledge and skills about transversal skills
  • Elaborate a compendium of interactive infographics for key transversal skills with videos, self-assessment tools and learning materials
  • Create a MOOC platform and a community of practice to engage users in collective learning activities
  • Equip partners and key stakeholders with training material to improve the transversal skills of their workers
  • Mindshift Talent Advisory – Portugal
  • Universität Paderborn – Germany (coordinator)
  • Acumen Training – Poland
  • Auxilium pro Regionibus Europae in Rebus Culturalibus – Austria
  • Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology – Cyprus
  • EEO Group – Greece
  • Latvijas Universitate – Latvia
  • Spectrum Research Centre – Ireland

01.11.2021 – 31.10.2023


ERASMUS+, Strategic partnership for development of innovation
