The future of tOUrism without a CArbon footpriNt

Fighting climate change is of utmost importance, particularly in the tourism sector, as the number of tourism influxes cause great environmental burden in local communities, such as the overuse of plastic and the excess of waste, among others. However, tourism industry professionals still lack environmental skills (“green skills”) to develop a more sustainable and eco-friendly business.

The TOUCAN project has as strategic focus to minimise the carbon footprint in the tourism sector through the provision of environmental learning for tourism small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs), Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers and teachers in this area.

Target Audience
  • SMEs from the tourism industry
  • VET providers and teachers
  • Development of a mobile-based environmental learning solution for tourism SMEs and VET providers and teachers for the development of skills and knowledge in sustainable growth
  • Production of online self-assessment tools to evaluate competences on the implementation of more eco-friendly solutions in tourism SMEs
  • Organisation of local pilots with tourism SMEs, so they can appropriate the online resources
  • Engagement of associated partners and creation of local Working Thematic Groups for learning modules preparation, dissemination and scouting activities, including the organisation of local promotional seminars
  • Mindshift Talent Advisory – Portugal
  • Rzeszow University of Technology – Poland (coordinator)
  • GrantXpert Consulting – Cyprus
  • Danmar Computers – Poland
  • Associazione “Submeet – incontrarsi per crescere” – Italy
  • Yasar University – Türkiye
  • Asserted Knowledge – Greece

01.12.2021 – 31.11.2023


ERASMUS+, Strategic partnership for development of innovation
